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Bill Boyce

Bill Boyce

Bill Boyce

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Bill Boyce 在上世紀九十年代大部份時間為自由工作者,參與了電視廣告、動畫片與動畫電影的製作,合作夥伴有PEPSI、Cartoon Network、SKY TV等。到2000年他與Trevor Yaxley合作建立Huhu Studios。Bill曾執導及製作超過250部電視劇集和動畫片,代表作品有《蔬菜總動員》。他在2005年導演第一部動畫電影長片《十誡》,第二部動畫電影長片正在製作中。Bill目前擔任Huhu Studios動畫總監。

Director, Editor, ProducerBill Boyce spent most of the 1990’sas a freelance artist producinganimation and graphics fornumerous TV Commercials,Station IDs and TV shows forPepsi, Cartoon Network andSkyTV. In 2000 he joined TrevorYaxley to further develop a newanimation facility, Huhu Studios.

Bill has animation-directed orproduced over 250 TV episodesand numerous direct-to-DVDshows including the hit showVeggieTales. In 2005 he co-directedhis first animated feature “The TenCommandments” and is at workon his second. Bill currently fulfilsthe role of Animation Director atHuhu Studios.