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Markus Kristensen

Markus Kristensen

Markus Kristensen

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Markus在動畫界已有十年歷史,擔任過不同職務,包括動畫導演、構圖監督、並在不同專案中擔任導演與編劇。 Markus對任何與故事以及電影相關的事物都有極大熱情,也在真人實拍短片中擔任導演與故事編劇。

Markus Kristensen has worked in the Animation Industry for almost 10 years in variousroles including Animation Director, Layout supervisor, as well as working on projects as Director and Story Writer. He has a passion for all things Story and Film related, and has even ventured into live action production, directing and story writing on a number of live action short films.